
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Midweek Chain Report

 It's a flimsy!
Interlocking Chains
70 x 84

 I started making these blocks in 2016 as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project. Yellow, brown, orange... and blue.   

I made it my goal to try to get some UFOs with chains in them to flimsy stage in April. I had to make 12 more blocks this month to add to the previously made 18. And now it's a flimsy. Wooohooo! 

 In other chain news I did make a few more Carolina Chain blocks.  I have only about 1/3 of the dark and light chains necessary to start top assembly. Since I only started this last year to use 2 inch scraps left after making my Fractured Rainbow quilt I'm going to set it aside for this month until I get the older chain quilts to flimsy stage. 
 I've moved forward some on Jack's Chain. I have another "row" to add to this section and then I'll add it to the bigger section and take a measurement. I'm aiming for a large quilt but not sure how many more block and connector rows I need before I can call this a flimsy.  With all the Y seams this is very slow going and I want to get one other chain quilt to flimsy stage so I can totally devote time to getting Jack's Chain to flimsy stage. I'm hoping that happens this month. Time will tell. 
I've joined 5 of 15 rows of Trail Mix. Hopefully this will be a flimsy next week although I have been spending a lot of time in the garden and not so much time sewing lately. A few rainy days are in the forecast this week so we shall see what happens.  I think this trail/chain will look like a patch through the woods in autumn. 


  1. awesome scrappy them all!

  2. Love the first quilt, it's so fun to check out each individual chain. I'm trying to do a Jack's Chain quilt too. Its fun to see the fabrics you have chosen to use in you Jack's chain. I like the words on all the fabrics.

  3. The Interlocking Chain quilt is so dramatic now you have all the blocks together. The individual chains stand out so distinctly now the blocks are sewn together. As always loving all your ongoing projects. Some great fabrics in the last quilt.... are those acorns or chestnuts I spy on the forest floor?

  4. Great looking projects. I am going to have to give that interlocking chain a try, looks like fun.

  5. After the last time I saw your chain block I had to go search and found it at Quilters Cache. It is so pretty!

  6. Ooh, I really like Trail Mix. Maybe another one for my very long list.

  7. Interlocking Chain is great for RSC!

  8. Great variety of 'chain' projects in the works! Lovely to see your 'carolina chain' too!


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