
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Yellow 4.5 Inch Scraps

 This week I pulled yellow scraps out of the 4.5 inch bin and made some Half Rectangle Triangles (HRTs). 
And I made one 16 inch Fractured Rail block.  I started making these about mid year last year.  I was going to write that I've been making them in the RSC color plus a solid or tone on tone in a complementary color except that I noticed that blue should have been purple.  Thank goodness that was only a self-imposed rule so I can overrule the rule.  

And finally I sewed anything less than a 4.5 inch square into a strip. I've been doing that for several years instead of throwing them into a crumb box.  I have a lot of strips now. At the end of this year I'll figure out what to do with them. 


  1. What a cheerful looking post! Yellow always looks so happy.

  2. Love the yellow with the watermelons on it!

  3. That's what I like - no rules! They are our quilts so we get to do whatever we want. :)

  4. I break my own rules all the time! Who would know if you don't tell them? I love ALL your scrap projects.

  5. Fractured Rail blocks... interesting! Looks like your YELLOW scraps are keeping you busy. Enjoy!

  6. Lots of pieced strips sounds very promising! Hopefully they make a quilt or two with fabulous memories and sparkle!

  7. Seeing your Rainbow Scrappy blocks always brightens my day even at night.

  8. One of the things I enjoy about your posts is spotting all the different things in your scraps. Where else could I find sunflowers, watermelon and a chicken all in one place?

  9. I love breaking my own rules! 8)
    Your projects (and your scraps) are always fascinating! Can't wait to see what those strips grow up to be!


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