
Tuesday, February 5, 2019


 I think I previously mentioned that the Stashbuster Yahoo Group  has a Random Numbers game to help move forward UFOs. I have not participated in the past but this year I decided to give it a try. My UFOs are numbered and I just wait for two numbers to be drawn each month. One number is always between 1-12 and the second is between 13-100 (I think).  If I have more than 100 UFOs (I do) then I can add 100 to the first number drawn and have a third number.   Then I simply work on the numbers drawn (or not) during the month.  

Numbers drawn this month are 9 and 49 and since I have over 100 UFOs then 109 is my third number. 

And that brings me to my UFO #109.  (More on 9 and 49 later). 

My #109 is House Party from the book Adding Layers by Kathy Doughty of Material Obsession that you see above.   My quilt will not have borders and will have one extra row to make it rectangular. At various times I've called my quilt Garden Party, Grandma's Garden, The Farm and now I'm thinking Home Grown.  I've been using garden and farm themed fabrics. 

When I pulled out the UFO a couple of days ago I had 52 of these block pieces. 

 I made 28 more and now I have a total of 80 and have moved on to block assembly. 

I have several larger print garden themed fabrics with yellow background I have now decided to use for the block centers and connectors.  Since I rarely pull all fabrics for a quilt before  I start I had a difficult time deciding what to use for those centers.  Next step is to assemble 20 blocks like above with 4 Y seams in each block.  That's part of the reason this is a UFO.  I was not looking forward to those Y seams. But my test block above was not really as much of a pain to assemble as I was thinking it would be.   In fact I went from thinking yuck to yahoo in a matter of a few minutes. I know I won't get this finished this month but I do hope to have a flimsy before month end.  And if I don't...I don't.  That's okay too... 

because I'm moving forward!!! 


  1. Ooo! I love this! (It has a similar construction to Sand Castles - right up my alley!)
    I love all those garden theme prints! Little surprises in every block!

  2. You have such a wide variety of fabrics from just about every category! I am still constantly amazed! Is there anything you wish you had more of? (except fabric in general)

  3. All that quilt is going to need is a recipe to cook it all together! It's going to be a fun quilt for someone! ---"Love"

  4. I agree with magozz. Your novelty fabric collection is immense! Then again, so is your UFO list. I agree that at least making progress on the UFOs is something to feel good about. Good luck and I hope you really do finish this one in February. Sandy at

  5. What I love about this block is that it's the same shape as Sujata's UANDUQAL. That lozenge is everywhere. I need to make one. Ha.

  6. What a fun quilt!! I'm looking forward to seeing some progress on this one.


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