
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Red and White Bits and Pieces

Red and White Bits and Pieces 
It's a flimsy! 
42 x 63

Last year while I was sorting through the crumb boxes I came across lots of red and white HSTs in a variety of sizes. Most were wonky so that's why they were in the crumb boxes. Some were bonus HSTs. Some were waste triangles still matched up with a white waste triangle.  

I made most of the other colors of HSTs into blocks last year that are now orphans waiting for a quilt.  But there were so many red and white bits and pieces that I put them aside to make into a quilt this year when the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color of the month is red.  This is the month. 

I sorted by size and then sewed them together into columns keeping in mind that I wanted a quilt at least 40 inches wide. 
Then I added some red tone on tone scrap chunks to the bottom of each column. I added red first because I had fewer red scraps than white. 

I then measured each column with the addition of the red and added a white scrap to the top of the column keeping in mind that I wanted the quilt to be at least 60 inches long.  

And that's the story of how this flimsy came to be. 


  1. What a great idea! It has a very modern vibe.

  2. Such a great use of your scraps. It just goes to show that all fabric leftover pieces and scraps can be turned into a useful quilt that looks great too!

  3. You are so amazingly talented with your scraps! This is fabulous!

  4. LOVE IT! what a great way to use all those reds up- instead of letting them breed in the scrap boxes. (haha!) i also like how your quilt is so different that what we usually see for RSC. are you going to make a quilt like this every month?

  5. Wow!! That was a creative way to get rid of the pesky RED scraps!!!

  6. You’re a creative, scrappy genius!! From lemons, you’ve made a Frosted Lemon Supreme Chiffon Cake!!

  7. Such a great quilt using up scraps. great job.

  8. great idea for using the pieces and parts and looks like it took forever.

  9. I love freeform, make-up-as-you-go-along quilts! This is fabulous!

  10. This is fabulous! I always love your designs.

  11. Wonderful way to use up those parts & pieces! And the finished quilt looks exciting!

  12. What a great use of extras! To all came together beautifully!

  13. Awesome! And I'm really impressed that you are now making quilts that look particularly striking against a snowy background. Those of us with faux winters might be a bit jealous...

  14. What a great project! Love the layout idea!

  15. Nice! I love red and white together!

  16. I've never known anyone who can put leftover blocks and scraps together the way you do! What a unique talent you have! Your quilt top is beautiful! ---"Love"

  17. Wow! This is gorgeous! There you go again with another fabulous idea!

  18. Brilliant! I started saving unintended wonky blocks that didn't meet my exacting standards, but I don't think they'll ever go together as well as you leftovers do. And yours looks like you planned it that way.

  19. Cool idea - the finished flimsy looks great!

  20. I love this red and white piece! Sorting the scraps by size into columns? That's, that's....brilliant. You're a quilting savant, you know? I'm stealing this idea :)

  21. I have just been thinking about red and white quilts, so your timing is perfect! I love your way of using up all these spare bits and red pinwheels are one of my favourite things ever.

  22. Seeing red -- scrappy modern style!


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