
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

It''s a Finish! School of Fish

School of Fish
40 x 60
It's a finish and ready to be gifted or given! 

I used lots of different gray scraps and some school themed novelties that were leftover from making a school themed Happy Block quilt. 

 I quilted in some waves and bubbles on my DSM. 
I pieced together several small pieces of batting, used some leftover gray binding leftovers from the binding box and supplemented with more scraps and I had a nautical themed piece just big enough for the backing. 


  1. Of course the quilting had to include bubbles! Such a cute finish! What size square did you start with for the fish blocks please?

  2. Cute. They look like the fat goldfish we had as kids. So smart to use up your scraps.

  3. A cute quilts that I am sure is going to make the recipient very happy

  4. This is perfect on so many levels! Super duper finish!

  5. Love your school of fish. Great choice of fabric.

  6. Very fun finish! I have a UFO fish quilt somewhere in the closet!

  7. So fun and fishy! And I just saw that exact backing fabric in an eBay listing this evening. I was tempted, but I'll just enjoy seeing it on your piece instead of adding it to my stash. Will this one go to WAS or QBB? Or wait in your pile of finishes for another worthy recipient?

  8. Just great! Love the fish and the nautical backing is perfect. Clever to make a bubbles design for the quilting. Those fish will certainly be 'forever blowing bubbles'!

  9. Cute quilt! And I love your choice of fabrics.

  10. What a charming quilt and a great way to use novelties!


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