
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

You Win Some. You Lose Some.

 Periodically I play the Lotto. There's no money involved - just fabric. 

One of the Lottos I participate in is one at the Sunshine Online Quilt Guild.  Each month there is a theme and if you want to join in you make 12 inch blocks with your interpretation of the theme.  The blocks are made in multiples of two. One block goes into the drawing and the other goes to the lady who runs the Lotto to make quilts for Wrap-A-Smile or Quilts Beyond Borders.   If you are a winner you are free to do as you wish with the blocks. 

The October theme was Sunshine and I won 16 blocks. 
 I made 20 Flying Geese and used 15 of the Sunshine blocks to make this quilt top 42 x 60. 

 The other Lotto is Block Lotto.  There's a block of the month and if you participate you can make as many blocks for the drawing as you wish up to the maximum. 

A Nine Patch Star was the block of the month for November. I wasn't a winner so I now get to send them to the ladies who did win. 

December's Block Lotto block of the month is a scrappy six inch Sawtooth Star in blue or purple.  I made the maximum of nine blocks.  Do you think I'll be a winner or loser in December?  I think I'll be a winner. You know...the power of positive thinking...

Both Lottos give me an opportunity to try new blocks and new color combinations and very often use scraps.  Every once in awhile I win some blocks and have fun figuring out how to set them. I also have fun looking at all the fabrics everyone used in their blocks.  


  1. I have three sawtooth stars made so far. Units cut for more!

  2. I love the December block for Block Lotto because it’s easy, which is a plus in this crazy busy month. Your Sunshine quilt is cute. Someone’s going to love it!!

  3. Oh, I hope you win the blue and purple stars! (I'd keep my fingers crossed for you, but that makes it so hard to sew...)

  4. I like the scrappy sawtooth stars in blues.
    And the sunshine blocks are fun, the strip of geese works perfect. More quilt goodness here.
    Looks like the snow has melted off a little.

  5. I hope you win the December lotto! It's nice to see the blocks actually being used, and your quilts are always such bright, fun pieces. I have a stack of Sunshine lotto blocks to play with now, having won two months in a row. And then Kathleen, who must have a bazillion blocks, sent me a batch, too. Kind of like sourdough starter, she thought I would do better with a critical mass of blocks :)

  6. Fingers crossed for you! I agree with Louise that it is fun to see the blocks turned into tops.

  7. Your Sawtooth Stars are gorgeous! Those are my colors.

  8. You're having more fun. Good luck.

  9. Your sunshine quilt looks fun and sure to put a smile on everyone's face who looks at it. All of the lotto blocks are also cute. I'd be swimming in blocks - ones I win and didn't if I joined such a guild.


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