
Monday, December 10, 2018

Low Volume String Hearts

Low Volume String Hearts

I mentioned yesterday that in 2019 I want to concentrate on using selvages and strings. One of the string projects I'm working on is low volume string hearts - a February 2013 Block Lotto pattern.  Looks like I already hopped out of the low volume box. 

More later...


  1. There are always outliers that get too close to the rotary cutter and end up in a project. These hearts look fantastic!

  2. I like the string hearts but I'm not surprised you jumped into brighter backgrounds.

  3. Cute hearts. I can't seem to make myself piece in low volume either.

  4. You would have been bored in that low volume box...
    I can't pull myself away from the brights, either!

  5. These are pretty! Great use of strings!

  6. Thank you for this post. I make quilts for our guild for community service, this pattern will perfect for the February quilts!!


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