
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Little Things


I finished a couple of hot pads or potholders to go with dishtowels I embroidered and dishcloths I crocheted.  I use Insulbrite inside my hot pads along with either a piece of 100% cotton batting, and old towel or cotton flannel.    I used some leftover bits of rickrack for the hanger. I usually make myself a set every year to replace the ones my husband seems to burn up. 

And here's the reverse side. 

I made a bunch of other hot pads for gift giving but I need to finish the dishtowels for the sets before I blog about them. 


  1. I love your 'little things' , nice embroidery too.

  2. Such cute little things you've made there--hugs, Julierose

  3. Love! Especially that rooster dish towel!

  4. Those hotpads are great! I love a good chicken print :)

  5. Really cute gifts. I especially like the embroidered towels. They look kind of vintage.

  6. Cute pot holders and towels!
    I am going to make some towels with pot holders attached to hang on oven doors. I need them, so I thought they would be great Christmas gifts.

  7. These are so pretty. My pot holders are getting a little bit worn, stained and ugly . . . time to be replaced, thanks for the inspiration.
    Connie :)

  8. I like the chickens! Is it too late to train your husband not to burn stuff?

  9. I am trying to get myself organized to make some hot pads, etc, for Christmas gifts. Hopefully, within the next couple days I will have some made as well. :)

  10. What a fun finish - those potholders will really cheer up the kitchen!

    On behalf of the global hosts of the Finish A Long, thank you for participating!


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