
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Geese Have Wandered

Wandering Geese

The other day I posted about some Flying Geese I've been making as a Rainbow Scrap Project since around March 2016.  I mentioned I had no specific purpose in mind other than using up 4.5 inch scraps.   Well, Nann (With Strings Attached) and Libby (Life on the Hill)  commented that they make good star points.  I wasn't even thinking of anything other than a Flying Geese layout of some sort but I thought Stars would be wonderful and use even more 4.5 inch scraps.  So off I went to the sewing room to see what I could whip up and ended up with 18 sixteen inch stars just using the Geese I have been making for a couple of years and by cutting more 4.5 inch scraps for the center four patch and 4 corners.   

I cut enough scraps for 7 more blocks and that will make a big  and eclectic quilt  of Wandering Geese Stars 80 x 80.   I also pretty much wiped out most of the bright/dark 4.5 inch scraps in rainbow colors.   I still have pink/turquoise, pastels, black, white/cream , mixed and brown to deal with but my box is much smaller and I know what's in it (for now). 

My October OMG (One Monthly Goal) is to complete the seven blocks and then make a quilt top. 


  1. What cheerful stars you've made of your geese. How nice the box is smaller!

  2. What beautiful stars! I love the bright colors! ---"Love"

  3. I love Stars and bright colours so your Wandering Star blocks tick all my boxes! Great idea to use those flying geese units as star points. Excellent advice from your followers.

  4. Thanks for the shout-out, Cathy. Your stars looks wonderful!

  5. What fun bright fabric! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  6. Winner, winner, goosey dinner!
    It's going to be fantastic!

  7. Great idea to use the geese for star points! Less seams that way and now you almost have another top done.

  8. It is always nice to get others' ideas about a project. Your stars are so fun and the added bonus of using scraps is wonderful! Let's get this one done! It will be great.

  9. Love these blocks! It will be a great and bright quilt. Isn't great how we all see different things from pieced units?


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