
Saturday, October 21, 2017

Crazy Ladies Of The Lake Are In The Pink

Ladies of the Lake
10 inch blocks

I use scraps from the 2.5 inch box for the outside HSTs and chunk scraps for the six inch center HST.   I found a bag of some 6.5 HST halves leftover from a basket quilt I made long ago and used some of them for the centers. 

I now have 37 blocks and I like big quilts so have lots more to make. This RSC project will continue into next year. 

That pink/orange block may not make the cut. I'll probably change out the outside HSTs to be red/orange instead of light pink/orange. 


  1. crazy colors! these quilt blocks are very wild looking!

  2. Those are bright and fun! I like the fabrics you're using for the center HsTs!

  3. Love the Lady of the Lake blocks except maybe the pink/orange.
    Look like great fun!

  4. So vibrant - I agree that the lighter one doesn't quite fit in with the others.

  5. love the colors and graphics! Blue and pink what a great combo.

  6. I adore those blocks! If you keep the blue/pink colors (cool) throughout, then a single warm block (that orangey one) might provide a delightful spark when sitting among its friends!

  7. These are sooo nice, Cathy. A big quilt will be spectacular!

  8. Super blocks! Loving the contrasts of the hot pink and blues. I can see why you are hesitating about the last block but don't take it apart, just make a couple more in similar colour selections because it works.

  9. Cathy, you get sooo many quilts done you just dazzle us!!! Besides the ones earmarked for family, do you donate/gift all the others? Or are you stockpiling?

  10. I love your crazy ladies! They look like my kinda gals!

  11. Love! Keep the orange - original and fun. And possibly my fave colour ;)

  12. Zounds. I love the turquoise polka dot. Perfect pairing for hot pink.

  13. Pink, turquoise, orange make vibrant ladies.
    I agree, 'my kinda gals'.

  14. Wow! Those are awesome and bright blocks.

  15. I like the pink and orange block -maybe if it doesn't belong with these others it could have a quilt of its own...

  16. All the colors mix so well, even the orange gives nice variety. A bright and cheerful project.


  17. Your colour choices are wonderful.


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