
Thursday, August 24, 2017

It's a Top! : 42-Cents Forever Stamp

 42-Cents Forever Stamp
74 x 92.5

It's a top!

Instructions for the quilt top can be found in the book Treasury of Quilts by Betsy Chutchian and Carol Staehle.   I usually don't use the same colors as any quilts I make from books but I think it was the double pink background in the photo in the book and on the book cover that attracted me to begin with so stayed with the same color scheme.  The postage stamp pieces also caught my eye.   The instructions in the book have you make strip sets but I sewed together each of these little 1.5 pieces individually. Strip sets aren't usually my style and aren't conducive to using my smallest of small scraps. 

I've had a herniated disk, sciatica, dizziness and nausea (and extreme pain) for the last week and I feel best when standing so have had little time for sewing.  When I did sit down to sew for a few minutes here and there I needed something mindless and easy to work on and this was it (along with several hand projects).  Otherwise I've been walking, trimming scrub trees invading the property and working (standing) in the kitchen to process the garden bounty.  


  1. Oh my dear - DO take time to rest a bit and let your body heal. Sending all good thoughts your way.

  2. Warm healing thoughts directed your way! I'm so sorry--back pain and all that result from it are so miserable. I hope you find enough standing and laying tasks you enjoy in order to heal a bit. And please don't feel you have to sit and respond to this comment--take care of yourself--just wanted you to know that I'm wishing you the best!

  3. SO sorry to hear of your medial issues...hope you feel better really soon..;))
    I LOVE this quilt...where do you find double pink these days--I have searched and cannot find it...hugs, Julierose

  4. I love, love, love your quilt! I, too, have sewn together squares individually. How did you do it? I sewed mine into four-patches and eventually sewed them into a 49-patch. I had a getting the four-patches to be all the same size: 5" square.

    I feel the same as Julie Rose above, where do you get double pink? I've seen it here and there in pictures but have never seen it in a store or online.

    Take good care of yourself; I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. Don't push yourself too hard.

  5. I love it! I cannot even imagine sewing that many 1.5" pieces together! I almost went crazy sewing my 2.5" pieces together for my big quilt last year! But I love the results of both of ours! Hope you get to feeling better soon; take care. ---"Love"

  6. Poor you, Cathy. All those back problems sound dreadful. Do hope you are soon feeling completely better. Love the latest finished top. Such a great use of small scraps.

  7. So sorry your having back pain. Hope you feel better soon. Love all this scrappiness.

  8. Love your happy scrappy top! I've had a back injury in the past and I know how painful and frustrating it can be to find a way to be comfortable--I hope you get better soon. Take care!

  9. Oh my, I had sciatica many years ago, but not accompanied by a herniated disc. How painful that must bem. Healing thoughts being sent your way. Re the double pink: if that means a dark pink on a lighter background, I saw several of them at a LQS and on sale for $4.50/yd to boot. I passed them by since I have way too much pink in the stash, but I did manage to find some other things to purchase. Hope the back issues diminish and that surgery doesn't become one of the solution. Back paincan be among the worst (well, migraines are no picnic either). Be well soon.

  10. Love the double pink fabric and I'm impressed you persevered and stitched all those little pieces together! Hope you're feeling awesome soon - back pain & sciatica are a b****!

  11. So sorry to hear about your back problems, Cathy. I hope they improve enough soon to give you some relief! You are still being productive, (and the quilt top is stunning), but do take care of yourself! xo

  12. I agree with Cathy, your quilt top is 'stunning'.
    Take care of yourself, take time to heal, sometimes that's not easy, I know.
    God bless you.

  13. ouch sounds very uncomfortable do hope the disc either sorts itself out or you can get it sorted. Quilt top looks great though blocks look as though they are made with tiny pieces

  14. Ouch ouch ouch! I only have minor back pain and find it overwhelming at times - you have my complete and utter sympathy. Hoping things improve soon!
    And I've loved this quilt pattern since the book came out. Yours is gorgeous! Speaking as a fan of sewing together 1.5" squares (they've been my leader/enders for years), this looks like the perfect top!

  15. You do so much and I'm sorry to hear about medical problems slowing you down. This double pink top is a winner, kudos to you on the finish!


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