
Sunday, August 13, 2017

In The Hoop

The Roman Stripe postage stamp quilt (inspired by a vintage quilt on ebay) is in the hoop now.  

It's one of the hand work projects I took camping with me last week since the camper has a/c and my house doesn't.   Turns out we actually had to turn on the heat in the camper a couple of nights which is unusual for August in Iowa.  Anyway, in between games of UNO, Quiddler, Scrabble, treasure hunts, hikes, water balloon fights, campfires and some jewelry making at the family reunion camp out I managed to get some hand quilting done while just sitting around chatting and a little some nights before bed. 

I'm using yellow and navy perle #8 to do some big stitching - yellow in one direction and navy in the other.  You can hardly see the yellow in the picture but it's there.  I'll do some stitching in red in the sashing cornerstones after I'm finished with all the other hand quilting. 

And today, after I process some of the latest harvest -  tomatoes, green beans and broccoli (and maybe start a batch of sauerkraut fermenting from a bunch of LARGE cabbages) - I'll sit down and start hand quilting again because it's another perfect day in this neighborhood - low humidity and cooler than a normal August day in Iowa.  


  1. You just described a perfect Summer day for me...camping, family and a little stitching! Your quilt is lovely.

  2. Great quilt, lovely use of big stitching. Good idea to have yellow and blue stitching in different directions. You sound very busy with your harvest!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a few days! Your quilting is perfect for your quilt!

  4. Glad that it's cool enough to enjoy stitching with a quilt on your lap. The results look great!

  5. I really like the scrappy look of that quilt! The postage stamp blocks and the contrasting sashing and cornerstones are a lot of fun! Glad you got some cooler weather to make hand quilting appealing. The family reunion sounds like a lot of fun!

  6. Love this quilt pattern--and your big stitching is just a perfect complement to it...enjoy that low humidity--it's like a sauna on high here ugh!! Hugs, Julierose

  7. Looks like another interesting quilt in the making. Have fun. ---"Love"

  8. I truly love that yellow sashing! And I'm happy for you on the cooler weather. We're enjoying a nice cool respite, too.

  9. We had our first rain in months. It wasn't much but it felt so wonderful. Glad you are able to enjoy your hand quilting - it sure looks pretty!

  10. Your Roman Stripe Postage Stamp quilt is lovely.
    The yellow sashing sets off the blocks perfect.
    And what a summer you're having!

  11. sounds like you are having lovely family time if somewhat exhausting. Hand quilting is so relaxing to do and yours is progressing so well, like the idea of red on the sashings

  12. It does seem like we have skipped over the end of summer and gone into autumn with these cool nights--okay with me BTW! I love your quilting on your fun quilt.

  13. I like your quilting. It sounds like you had a good time at the reunion.

  14. Cathy, do your days have more than 24 hours? You seem to get so much done! I really like your roman stripe postage stamp quilt and the quilting you're doing on it. I spent the afternoon today in the kitchen putting up veggies and making ratatouille. And then making dinner. Tomorrow: only sewing (and laundry).

  15. I love to see the transformation of a quilt top into a true quilt. The stitching always adds so much!

  16. What fun with your family and smart to take something to work on with you. Love the look of your quilt. I too make sauerkraut, nothing better. You are a busy woman.


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