
Thursday, August 3, 2017

A Really Old UFO Is Now a Top!

Florabunda (aka Jacob's Ladder in floral fabrics)
Inspired by a vintage quilt.
72 x90

It's a top! 

 I started making blocks around the same time - June 2011.   But I soon ran out of floral fabrics and yellow tone-on-tones.  
I decided to move forward on this old UFO since I've accumulated a few more  (most of these ugly and cheap remnants) floral fabrics over the years. 

I'm out of love with it now but that's no excuse not to finish it.  There's always a need for twin sized quilts and the blocks were not meant to be wasted.  (And I'm tired of all these boxes with unfinished quilts in them that take up space). 

If you look at the vintage version and Bonnie Hunter's version of Jacob's Ladder you will see that they are just a little bit different than mine; however,  both versions are made up of the same pieces - four patches and HSTs.    Orientation matters!


  1. bet you are glad to be done with it even if you are not in love with it any more - one more out of the ufo pile is always a good thing

  2. Good for you for finishing it up, even if you are out of love with it. When you're that close to a finish it's worth making it happen so that someone can enjoy it.

  3. Woohoo! It's still pretty, even if you're not in love anymore. 8)
    Isn't it fun how small changes in blocks can have a huge effect on the outcome? Just flipping those triangles made a completely different pattern!

  4. Always loved this pattern--yours came out beautifully...I like the differences--makes it yours...hugs, Julierose

  5. Wow. Florabunda was six years ago? The Quiltville years fly by!

  6. Yay for the finish!!!! it looks great!

  7. It looks great!! You will be so happy to have it done. Keep at it. You are so close.

  8. It has a very classic look. It's always such a relief to get some of the oldie ones off the list though. Move them along!

  9. Your boxes yield some amazing finds! Treasure trove. Well done 👍 on finishing another UFO. How many more are hiding?

  10. Good finish, now quick find a backing before you loose interest!

  11. Bright and happy, this quilt will find its forever home soon! Such a classic block, and it looks great in yellow and flowers :)

  12. I happen to think it looks wonderful. It's got that old fashioned vibe I love so much.

  13. how good that you are completing these blocks, would you like some of mine to finish!!

  14. Jacob's Ladder is one of my favorites since I have one by my great-aunt in red and white. Always loved it. Yellow is so happy. Good choice to offset all the florals. Congratulations on a finish.

  15. It's beautiful! I love the yellow with all those colors.

  16. It seems like you've been finishing UFOs forever, and yet you still find more! It's possible that you had more than even me. ;)

    I like this block a lot too -- another nice finish!

  17. The background of yellow is wonderful...and quite unique. And I often forget how much variety yellows can bring.

  18. A nice finish, even if you don't love it. Exactly how many UFOs do you have? I'm starting to imagine them creeping out of cupboards and engulfing your house.

  19. I agree, bright and cheerful top.
    I enjoy your use of color!

  20. I love this yellow quilt, it has such a vintage look about it! And so good to be able to move this UFO further up the list!

  21. Another bright and happy quilt and it looks great!


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