
Monday, July 3, 2017

Blind Man's Fancy Tea in the Rose Garden

I've finished four more Blind Man's Fancy blocks. 
Since I'm using rose and tea themed fabrics my quilt is named Blind Man's Fancy Tea in the Rose Garden. 

Just an fyi on my process for those who are interested in that stuff-  I usually make these four blocks at a time and they take a lot of time because the pieces are cut weird sizes. I usually don't pull all fabrics for a quilt ahead of time- for this one I just want to use tea and rose fabrics I have on hand.  I usually don't even pull all the fabrics for a block but pull as I go. I also cut pieces as I go and don't cut all pieces for a quilt or a block ahead of time.  So...I start with fussy cutting four center squares.  Then I figure out what to surround them with and cut those fabrics and add them on.  Then I decide on the little HST fabrics (that finish at 1 13/16th of an inch)...and so on.   I try to keep the same value in mind when cutting fabrics but am not always successful. I usually don't lay blocks out on the floor to see how they all look together and usually just sew them together randomly into a top when all blocks are finished.  I say USUALLY but there are exceptions to every USUALLY. 

My blocks finish at 15 inches using Beth Donaldson's online pattern. 

fyi - I noticed there's also an 18 inch version in the book History Repeated. 

The deer and beetles are devouring my roses this year (and other fruit and flowers) but I did manage to get a few photos of some of my roses before they were completely gone. 

I love roses! 
And so, I guess, do deer and beetles!


  1. Ha! Thanks for the pattern pointers. Still trying to resist.
    BTW, the University of Southern Mississippi has an amazing rose garden. I haven't been there in a couple of years, but it's wonderful to visit when the roses are in bloom. I'm not much of a gardener, so I enjoy other folks' efforts! Just google "USM Rose Garden" and then switch to Images...

  2. Your Blind Man's Fancy rose quilt is going to be so pretty and sort of old- fashioned looking, I think! Those are such interesting blocks. I love all the color in your roses! I haven't grown them for many years, and I miss them.

  3. I love roses, too; but I cannot seem to grow them I opt for peonies ...which so far, the deer have left alone. Last year they devoured them...
    Your blocks with those center roses are lovely...hugs, Julierose

  4. Pink, blue, yellow with splashes of green such a great color scheme! And the block design is so dramatic! It's going to be a very pretty quilt!

  5. This one is going to be one of my favorites; I love roses too! When I first began quilting, I bought mostly fabrics with pink roses. I have drawers full of rose fabric, so I printed the pattern, and "someday", hopefully in the not too far future, I'll get started on making mine! It will be a welcome change from my Civil War and R/W/B fabrics! Thanks so much for sharing this rose quilt and the pattern. ---"Love"

  6. Thanks for sharing how you work. I enjoy that part. I think that's why your quilts look fabulous and not 'canned'
    or over done.
    Have a great day!

  7. This one is going to be really really pretty! Fun to read about your process -- it certainly works!!

  8. I really love these rosy blocks!
    I went to look at the online pattern, and wow - wacky measurements indeed! My brain was torn between a flat-out "Nope nope nope!" and "I wonder if I could redraft that with sensible numbers..."

  9. These are beautiful blocks. I've not seen them made except for reproduction fabrics. Love those, too, but these are refreshing!

  10. This is such a lovely idea and turning out so well. You must have a huge selection of rose fabrics. The little cups here and there are a,sweet,touch. Who better than a blind person to enjoy tea in a rose garden. Keep up the good work!

  11. I can see how one step at a time is a good way to work with such a complicated block. They sure look good! I do love all the roses. :D

  12. blocks look so good but those HSTs are tiny must have been so fiddly to do.

    Can almost smell your flowers beautiful

  13. Beautiful blocks, and one of my all time favourites!

  14. I love how you're putting these together. The rose garden fabrics are so lovely. And you're choosing such great contrasting fabrics for each.

  15. I love your Blind Man's Fancy blocks and continue to be amazed by your intricate piecing. I know I couldn't do it. Enjoyed reading about your block making process.


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