
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Coin Toss


I have a couple of "bits and pieces" boxes. Otherwise called "The Parts Department".

I poked  around in there and see what I could come up with. 


That's what I saw in there. 

I sorted out all of the "bits and pieces" and parts that were single colors. 

Then I had to decide on size of quilt and purpose of the quilt. 

I need to have a couple of quilts on hand, adult lap size, that I can give to someone who might need a quilty hug or a rainbow to brighten up an otherwise cloudy day.  You know...Coin Toss...Heads You're a Winner!...kind of quilt. 

60 x 80 is the overall target size.

Next step was to decide on column size. 

I think three columns 20 inches wide and 60 long each is what I'll aim for. 

Next step: sew together those "bits and pieces" into rainbow strips 20 inches wide so I can see what I have.     I'm still sewing...I have lots of "bits and pieces" and parts.  I might not even have to cut into any fabric at all for my Coin Toss.

In the meantime I thought about sashing. I'm going to use blue sashing between strips in the columns and between columns.  (Think rainbows in the sky, you know). 

I have three pieces of blue but haven't decided which to use yet or how wide. I'm thinking right now I want a very thin (maybe 1 - 1.5 inch) sashing.  But who knows? I'm not there yet. 

Hmmmm... the blue above seems "too blue".  

I think I might like this blue for the sashing. Or not. 

Or maybe this blue.  No...I don't think there's enough of this blue. 

Stay tuned. 

I may have a Coin Toss at the end of the quarter. 

Will you? 

Ad Hoc Improv Quilting with Kaja (Sew Slowly) and Ann (Fret Not Yourself)


  1. That darker, purpley blue, looks amazing! You're off to a great start, Cathy. I always love the rainbow colours. Very cheerful!

  2. I love reading your blog and seeing all you accomplish. Can't imagine how much you will get done in your retirement! Hope your last day was great

  3. Lots of pretty fabrics there! I'll be watching to see what you come up with! ---"Love"

  4. There you go - always chasing rainbows! I'll enjoy seeing what you do with all these pretty colors!

  5. This is be a great pick-me-up quilt for anyone needing a hug. How clever to have them on hand anytime. I like that you pulled all the fabric from your scraps. Those darker blue sashing seem to work better... at least now.
    Thanks for joining the Chinese Coin invitation and linking your post with AHIQ. Together we can help each other expand our abilities.

  6. I love that you have pulled all this from your scraps and the mix of shapes that has resulted (some little squares, some 4-patch bits, some more strippy etc). I too like the idea of thin blue sashing, though I know whatever you do will look spot on.

  7. Another great idea, Cathy. It must be marvellous to have so many bits and pieces in your Parts Department that you can make a whole quilt. Love the blue sashing in the second photo, such a lovely shade that shows up all the individual rainbow coloured rows. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

  8. It's really fun to see your coins on different colour backgrounds and how it affects the mood of the columns. I love the idea of a 'parts bin' - and tossed coins is a great name!

  9. Love your logic and process here -- Coin Toss - what a great name, too. (and who says all blue skies have to be the same shade of blue ???)

  10. Rainbow coins, a great idea! The softer blue does look better with the rows, I think. Take your time and it will probably be a surprise in the end.

  11. Rainbow quilts always bring a smile to my face. I love that you can make all these strips out of your scrap bins. For the sashing, maybe a scrappy version of the blues? Having quilts "on hand" seems like such a good idea.

  12. You've got a great start going here! I like your ideas, and I think whatever blue you put with your coins will look good. (I don't think you can go wrong with blue of any hue) Love the name Tossed Coins! Very clever.


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