
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Glittering and Spinning

Ok...I wasn't going to start one more darned thing but there are some enablers out there in blog land. 
And that is how I ended up with my I'm-going-to-try-four-blocks-to-see-if-I-like-them Glitter blocks. 

The enabler was Gayle  who surprised me with a set of her homemade Glitter templates. What a treasure! They work perfectly. Thanks, Gayle! 

Quilt pattern/instructions may be found in Jen Kingwell's book Quilt Lovely.  I have several things to make bookmarked in there! 

And, believe it or not, I actually cut into some yardage and didn't use scraps to make those Glitter blocks (they take weird sized cuts).   So while I was at it I cut the same fabrics to make another Vintage Spin quilt. I gave my other one away. That was difficult to do because I loved my Vintage Spin but there was a special reason the receiver got that quilt.  I told myself I could always make another Vintage Spin for me. And so I am.  I'm not sure I like what I'm using for the centers on this one but I think that's what the center will be because I don't see anything else laying around here right now that I like or have enough of and I don't want to buy any fabric unless absolutely necessary.  I want to use what I have in 2017 (and to infinity). 

If you want to make your own instructions and template are in Kathy Doughty's book Adding Layers: Color, Design and Imagination


  1. Gayle has enabled me in a project or two also! Thank goodness too because I always enjoy the projects :)

    I love your fabric choices!

  2. Love the Vintage Spin. I'm halfway through one myself. It's what I pull out to sew when I need something easy but creative. You picked great fabrics.

  3. Glitter is on my to-do list as well! There are so many beautiful quilts in that book, aren't there?

  4. It's a lovely book. I've looked and looked at Glitter myself. It just looks a little fiddly for me! Love what you've got started here with both projects!

  5. Vintage Spin looks like a perfect scrappy-happy project. I may have to add that to my never-ending list of want-to's!

  6. Here I am cleaning out my sewing room finding fabric I didn't remember I had and wanted to start a new quilt so badly - but just can't right now - I have to get this sewing room emptied so we can do the re-do but where on earth to put everything - I find I have more than I thought!

  7. You have two beautiful new projects here, and ahead of me, and probably a lot of us, with projects on our "should like to do" list for 2017!

  8. Well Ok :) now you have become my enabler Ha , since I already have the book Adding Layers !!!!!, I'll be putting that Vintage Spin quilt on my 2017 dream list. Surely I have some vintage fabric in my stash somewhere. Since I also have enough fabric to last me to infinity! Happy New Year. Cheers to beautiful things in 2017. Janita

  9. Two great projects to start the new year with! Love your fabric choices too!

  10. You're welcome! And click on the 'Glitter' label on my sidebar - I've figured out how to cut all the glitterbits from 5" charm squares, or 3.5" strips. It made things a lot simpler!
    I've been eyeing Vintage Spin, too. You're sorta enabling right back. (Along with the 'leventy-billion other quilts you've been tempting me with all along the way...)

  11. I really love your choice of fabrics (and the designs too). I see several Denyse Schmidt fabrics among others. It looks like an interesting book.

  12. I have the book and really want to make that quilt, but the shapes are so intimidating!


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