
Saturday, October 22, 2016

Stacking and Whacking

Improv circles or bulls eyes. 

In June we made some Block Lotto Bulls Eye blocks using this similar method and I really liked how they turned out and had fun doing them.   So I decided start these as another new RSC project using the color(s) of the month and red and brown as my "neutrals".  I'm using chunk scraps for these. 

I fooled around a little with mixing and matching these, separating them by a thin sashing, etc. but in the end I think I liked the four fabrics stacked and whacked all together in one block.  I started with 8.5 squares of fabric and squared them up to 6.5 inch finished blocks. Four of them together will make a 12 inch block and use up a lot of those chunks of fabric. 

I made enough of these units so now I have (sans border units which are a different size) enough colors of the rainbow to make...

...a quilt similar to this one called Red Centre from Kathy Doughty's book Making Quilts. 

FYI - believe it or not both of these blocks use a similar method of construction called Stack and Whack - stack up pieces of fabric, whack through them, swap out a few pieces in the stack and then sew the whacked pieces all back together again. You get multiple blocks from each stack you whack. 


  1. Very fun blocks. Having a plan to use up those hunks and chucks is a good idea. Looking forward to seeing your blocks throughout next year's challenge.

  2. Both sets of blocks are neat ones! It's always so fun to see what you can create with a simple block. I'm fascinated with the Bull's Eye blocks and would like to try making some myself. What size squares did you start with?

  3. I really like your Bull's eye blocks!

  4. Those bull's eyes are beautiful! I'm looking forward to watching you make those! The quilt will be stunning! And envy-inducing!
    The other block looks equally tempting, but with way less potential cussing...

  5. LOVE those Circle blocks AND the jagged way the pinwheel-like components will come together. FUN!!

  6. The bullseye blocks are really wonky and cute. I have no idea how these are made, but they work together. ,congrats on both projects.

  7. I really enjoyed making the bulls eye blocks, too. Like the way you're approaching the larger quilt's use of them.

  8. Both of these quilts are going to be awesome!

  9. Your blocks all look great! I look forward to seeing these projects grow in the next year.

  10. Love love love your bull's eyes, especially the one in the top right that makes s spiral. The colours make me think of a hot cup of coffee on a cool autumn day! The yellow block looks interesting, stack and whack adds just enough chance to surprise you doesn't it. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  11. oh wow, both projects are so neat-o. I likeeee

  12. Love these bull's eyes - it's a great colour combination. 'Stack and whack' isn't something I've tried but something about those words just makes it sound like fun!

  13. Very pretty blocks but way out side my comfort zone to make.

  14. I do like those "bulls eye" blocks butted together a have a lot of really nice yellows coming together too hugs, Julierose

  15. Can't wait to see how these blocks will come together in a Rainbow Challenge kind of way!

  16. Nice. I like the yellow blocks. So cheerful.

  17. I love your color idea for the new bullseye project ..and of course, I love seeing my Lotto block patterns being used after their day is done in the block lotto :-)


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