
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

WAIWO? Short Strings and Quilt Wrestling.

What am I working on?  Scraps. It's Scraptastic Tuesday! 
I've been sewing some of my short string scraps around some b/w 5 inch squares for some 9 inch wonky Happy Blocks. 

And I've been wrestling with my lozenges (aka suppositories) quilt - a scrappy catalog of 2.5 x 5 inch pieces of fabric (aka scraps) leftover from quilts I've made or quilt blocks I've made that are now hiding in boxes of UFOs. 

I have a dinky harp space on my DSM and a big quilt that needs to go through there. I'm only quilting a few straight lines, thank goodness, and it will all be over soon.  I think I will win the wrestling match...this time. 

Got Scraps?


  1. You have the best suppositories! (And where else would you ever hear that, and have it be a compliment, to boot?)
    Those little stringy squares are adorable. You're always filling my head with ideas...

  2. Your suppositories are so wonderfully scrappy as are your happy blocks. You have the best scraps!!!

  3. Both are so lively. I'm supposed to be working on some log cabins, too. Yours are adorable.
    Good luck quilting the suppositories. My machine has a fairly small harp space, too. We manage, don't we?

  4. Wonderful log cabins and you have given me the idea of how to use my short lengths which have been languishing in a box for ages! It can be a test of patience getting these big quilts through a domestic machine, I have the same problem but I steer clear of detailed quilting.

  5. I win the machine quilting wrestling matches the old fashioned way: I cheat! I leave my quilt top in three sections, each marked in the upper left corner with one, two and three safety pins for orientation. After completely piecing together the back,, I cut batting a couple of inches larger than the center section of the quilt top. I lay the batting in the center of the backing, add the center top (with two safety pins in its upper left corner), and pin baste. Then I roll up the excess backing top and bottom. The center section fits in the harp as easily as a table runner. I quilt no closer than an inch from the edge. When finished, I sew the upper quilt top section to the center section, using the safety pin for orientation. Then I hand baste (gasp!) another batting piece in place with giant herringbone stitches, smooth the quilt top section in place, baste, and quilt, with the previously quilted section off to the left. So again, there is little more bulk in the harp than a table runner.
    Keep on quiltin'

  6. Good luck on the wrestling and two great scrappy projects in the making! Bravo! Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday

  7. Love the black and white centres for your log cabins and the blocks look very cheerful. Good luck with "suppositories", it does look like hard work.

  8. I love popping in to see your posts -- the colors are always so much fun!!!

  9. Just found your blog through Scraptastic Tuesday. Love your bright scrappy quilts. Is the Lozenge Quilt a Bonnie Hunter design?

  10. Your short strings are amazing - and the lozenges - I smile everytime you call it another name ;-)


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