
Tuesday, November 24, 2015


All year long I make 40 x 60 quilts from orphan blocks, crumbs, strings and other scraps.  I use my batting scraps in these quilts too. I zig zag them together.  I add them to a box and sometimes I take out of the box and give one or two away locally. My daughter is friends with a foster mother and sometimes the quilts go to the new kids in the home.  (My daughter always knows someone who needs a quilt. Pity she doesn't sew.) 

At the end of the year whatever is left I send off to Quilts Beyond Borders or Wrap A Smile. 

I consider these quilts in improvise...use what's on pattern...

I've blogged about them all individually all year long so most of them, if you are a regular visitor, are old news. 

40 x 60

I practiced free motion quilting leaves. 

And I pieced a backing with scraps and a big piece of horse themed fabric I found at the thrift store for $1.00. 

All of these quilt backs came from the thrift store except for one which is the aqua with navy polka dots second in from the right.   That was a bargain basement purchase. that's my version of in improvise.   I guess I could be otherwise considered impRoverished! 
There are lots of interpretations for improv. 
Visit either Ann's blog, Fret Not Yourself  OR Kaja's blog, Sew Slowly,  and you will see what I mean...A bunch of Ad Hoc Improv quilters hang out there at the end of every month.  


  1. I've been reading the Ad Hoc Improv posts with great interest! At some point I'm going to be brave enough to jump in.
    In the meantime, I'll just sit back and enjoy looking at all your pretty quilts. 8)

  2. Love the washing line pictures, and you know I love your version of improv: these are great example of what can be achieved by making do with what's to hand, turning out something both beautiful and individual.

  3. Congrats to you on all those lovely quilts going to new homes to be loved by little ones :)

  4. You are the Queen of Improv! Your clothesline dances with the proof and they look so wonderful! Many lives will be enriched by your efforts. I particularly enjoyed seeing your neat leaf quilting design!

  5. So wonderful that you make so many of these throughout the year. Very fun to find such a great use for these odd blocks too. Lots of 'no pressure' quilts for you and eventually joy for the person who gets to take it home with them!

  6. Well, you did a marvelous job improv-ising!

  7. Yes, as I said before, I do think all these quilts are really improv quilts. And those crumb quilts too! It's all just for fun. :D

  8. An amazing collection of quilts. They look so cheerful waving in the breeze on your line.

  9. I have followed these all year but what a treat to see the clothesline full. They are so cheerful and will be well loved. Congratulations for helping so many people. Thanks for linking up with AHIQ. Happy Thanksgiving.

  10. Looks cold in your the clothesline photos and the exuberant quilts against the dark sky. Thanks for sharing!

  11. What a sparkling group of quilts you have on your line!!! So many hugs filled with love from you! Congratulations on achieving your November goal!

  12. I like your interpretation, and I like your quilts, and I like your generosity! You've done great quilts all year, and I like seeing these "leftovers" and knowing they are going to a good cause, too. Congratulations on finishing your November goal.

  13. You're a fabulous improv quilter, no matter what improv means! I'm really impressed that you give away so many quilts. I had to giggle at your comment about your daughter always knowing someone who needs a quilt. Maybe she'll pick up quilting one day and be as generous as her mother.

  14. I don't know you but your quilts show you are a warm-hearted, joyful person full of energy!!! Thanks for this lovely post.

  15. How fantastic to see them all in a row like this! And in the SNOW! Wow, I'd love to get photos like that :) They're all wonderful, but I really do like the one in autumn colours that you've just finished :) There are some very lucky recipients out there/


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