
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Slow Sunday Stitching - Partly By Oil Lamp

I put the final big stitches on my Apple/9 Patch quilt very early this morning and was heading downstairs to the sewing machine to cut and sew on the binding...

...when the power went out because of the snow storm. It doesn't look like much but so far I think we have 9 inches of heavy, wet snow.  It's so heavy that we have a couple of small tress down in back. I heard a crack. looked out of  the back window and saw one drop.  I'm hoping none of the fruit trees down in the orchard are damaged. 

I had nothing else but the Apple Quilt binding lined up for hand stitching so while the power was out I lit the oil lamp and worked on a shawl I'm making for one of my granddaughters for Christmas. I took a good look at it (of course after I added a few new rows) and I don't think my gauge is right because it will be a short shawl even for a little girl if I continue on.  I guess there's a reason you're supposed to check gauge. So, I'll be undoing all my work and look to see if I have a larger hook or I'll use a different pattern. I have two books of shawls. 

Power is back on now.  It's still snowing and starting to blow. Neighbor has been over with his tractor to clear out our driveway (he won't take money but he likes the homemade bread we give him in return) so I'll probably be able to make it to work tomorrow, and I'm on my way to sew on my binding. 

Slow Sunday Stitching? 


  1. I hope you have a bigger needle. This would be a lovely shawl in that yarn.

  2. Homemade bread in exchange for plowing sounds like a great trade to me! I hope your power stays on.

  3. Here's to keeping your power on! You did some very nice stitching on the Apple quilt, especially if working with an oil lamp. I hope your trees are okay.

  4. Glad to hear the power is back on. We are having a snow day here today too. Your apple quilt is pretty and I love the wool for the shawl.

  5. I just love your Apple/9-patch quilt. Hope your fruit trees are okay.

  6. What a darling quilt... and I'm glad your power came on. That snow even looks heavy!

  7. What beautiful yarn! Hope you have a bigger hook. Love the apple quilt - very cute.

  8. What a great neighbor to have. Our children are blessed with friends who do helpful acts of kindness out of the kindness of their hearts such as bringing over dinners when babies are sick and they do the same such as buy groceries when there is a need.
    Good people do good deeds just because there is a need and they can
    In northern California in the 70's F but we need rain it is our rainy season and we have had no rain in the month of January

  9. What a sweet quilt. And I am just like you...knitting to the rescue!

  10. The snow looks so pretty. So glad to hear your power is back on. Doesn't take long to get cold in that weather. You finished up your apple quilt lickety split!

  11. The yarn for your shawl is so pretty. I am looking forward to seeing the finish on the Apple/9Patch.

  12. Hi cathy, I was in the apple swap with you. Could you please email me? Qlt7scrap at gmail dot com


  13. So good to have a variety of projects to work on for a variety of electricity situations!

  14. Those are all fabulous projects. Being a multicrafter comes in handy!


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