
Monday, December 29, 2014

The Great 30s Bin Busting Challenge

A bunch of us with the Stashbusters Yahoo Group who have an excess of 30s fabrics in our stash will work on reducing that stash in 2015.  I'm starting out the year with two 58 quart totes of 30s fabric but I do have several 30s projects  (aka UFOs)  already in the works. 

Here's a new Road to Lampasas 15 inch block.  I need to count how many of these I have now.  It will be a Queen-sized quilt. 

With some of the same fabrics I tried out a block for a new quilt- Tea Leaf Quartet . I like it so some of my 30s will now go into the making of this quilt. 

With some of the same fabrics and some scraps I made 3 - 9 inch Tulip blocks to add to my collection.  I really need to count how many I have since I've been making these for a couple of years. 

And finally...I made a 15 inch Goose in the Pond block.  And...ooooops! that I see the photo I see the lower left corner was assembled incorrectly.  I thought there was something weird about it.  Well, I'll fix it. But anyway...this is another quilt I'm starting to bust my 30s. I was thinking I would use all yellow as the background but it seems rather bright even to me. We shall see what a few more blocks look like together. Then I can always just use red, yellow and blue solids for the backgrounds if I don't like the plain yellow. 

And now for a little whining...
My sewing machine is broken now. Hand wheel won't turn. It's like the darned machine is stuck in bobbin-winding mode. Arghhhh.  I hope it can be repaired. My DH will take it in to the sewing shop today (if they are open) while I'm at work.  I dug my old, old Kenmore out of the attic and dusted if off in case I can't do without a sewing fix while the Janome is in the shop. 

And that's it for Design Wall Monday here.  


  1. I love that goose in the pond block! Thank goodness I don't need to tell you there is something weird about it!

  2. All of your blocks look just great! I really like the Tea Leaf Quartet block.

    You have a lot of sewing to do....I hope you get your machine back quick!!

  3. What a great variety of blocks to USE your 30s stash - my mom grew up on a farm and told stories about the cranky geese that chased her. Looks like one found its way into your block 😊

  4. Your BIG GOOSE is great! I am working on "The One I didn't Like" still and those are 17.5" ...makes for a quicker last sewing of rows...I am going to return a whole lot of stuff I started and don't like to stash! No more working on things I don't like....hugs, Julierose

  5. What fun projects to have on the go. That RtL block is great - you could do some nice things with that.

  6. What fun projects to have on the go. That RtL block is great - you could do some nice things with that.

  7. I suspect that if I actually FINISHED the UFOs I have stashed away (along with all the 30's fabrics I put aside for them), I could join you in that 30's stash-busting effort. I love all the blocks here ... in fact one of them is on the list for the Block Lotto next year ... hint, hint, hint.

  8. Love it!! I have 30's prints too! Can't wait to watch all your progress!


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