
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Suggestions Anyone?

Every Sunday Kathy of Kathy's Quilts hosts a Slow Sunday Stitching party where slow stitchers from miles around gather to share their projects. 

This week I have an orange Dresden block I need to applique to the background. I made the block from scraps as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and couldn't decide on a background color. I have lot of different gray fabrics so gray it is.   But, I still haven't decided on a clever center circle for my rainbow blocks to be.   

Suggestions anyone? 

I'm still working on big stitching my baskets.  This is a large quilt. I think it's about 60 x 80. The backing is that flowery fabric with writing on it over on the right. 
When I'm finished with stitching around the baskets I'm not sure what to do next because it will still need more stitching.  Maybe a stitch in the ditch between blocks? 

Suggestions anyone? 

And finally...I may start on some of these cross stitch ornaments I've picked up from the thrift stores over the years.  Some of them may just be small enough for me to see well enough to finish.  I probably will finish off the ornaments in a different way than intended. I don't think I like those plastic frames included with some of them.  But I'm not sure yet exactly how I'll finish them off - IF I ever get any of them finished.   The shoe box full of these things has got to go.  I wiped enough dust off the box to fill a small pillow. 

Suggestions anyone? 

Slow Stitching? 


  1. ENjoy your stitching today! That's a great pile of gifts just waiting to be stitched!

  2. Great Dresden. I would go for a black print or really dark grey print for the center. Maybe a fussy cut fall circle would work also. As for the cross stitch, since you are a quilter why not put thin borders around the stitching with some ribbon for hanging. You could use them on a tree or as door knob hangers. Sometimes I finish my small cross-stitch motifs to hang on cabinet knobs around the house. You have quite a variety to choose from.

  3. For you baskets - cross hatching always looks good. From the photo I can't see how big those blocks are, so maybe that won't work. Alternatively you could stitch a basket.
    As for the ornaments, why not have an on-line sale on you blog, or a give-away, if you won't use them.

  4. I once outlined a center dresden circle. It had no umph so you are wise to ask for suggestions. Check out dresdens on pinterest.

  5. I really dislike hand stitching in the ditch. If you want to keep it simple, just go 1/4" inside on the basket side? Very fun dresden.:)

  6. I stitched in the ditch on one of my baskets and it was the last one, lol. I don't like it...I ended up having to outline the pieces too since in the ditch didn't seem to show anything :( I felt like that block was twice the work ! :)

    Pretty Dresden!!

  7. I did a little Pintrest scouting and was very surprised at the variety of pieces available for inspiration .

  8. I like the idea of a fussy cut print in the center of the dresden, maybe something with a dark background so that the edge of the circle really pops.


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