
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Different Spokes for Different Folks

The BLOCK LOTTO block of the month for July is a 7 inch SPOKE block.  No, these aren't blocks for the Lotto drawing. These blocks are SPOKEn for!  These are for my MOD MOD full/queen quilt. The QAL  is also being hosted by Sophie at Block Lotto. 

I'm making all my blocks for my MOD MOD quilt (see info at this page) in complementary colors. All others making MOD MOD quilts will be making different colored spokes...different spokes for different folks.  

I needed 14 of these blocks in my complementary colors. 
For the BLOCK LOTTO drawing we are making monochrome blocks. So I need to get 9 monochromes made since I really like this block. 

Interested? Register at Block Lotto and then make some blocks. You could be a winner! 

I'm linking up with Linky Tuesday at Freemotion by the River which is just down the flooded Mississippi River from me. 


Thank you for your time. I enjoy comments and try to respond to them all.