
Saturday, May 24, 2014


Green is the color of the month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. 

I have used a lot of my smaller scraps and have quite a few chunks of green I thought I would make into 12 inch Dandy Quilt blocks - instructions at Quilter's Cache.    I've made a Dandy Queen-sized quilt in 30s reproductions and a Dandy lap quilt so I figured there was no need to look at the pattern and just started making blocks.   After I finished four blocks I knew there was something wrong. 

Rather than fix them they are going to stay that way. 
Hey, these are scraps!

I just haven't decided yet whether or not I'm going to continue with the blocks in this manner or make more blocks following the pattern.  I have LOTS of green chunk scraps. 

I also made a few 3 inch 9 patches since I usually swap those 3 times a year with an on-line group. We also swap 4.5 inch HSTs so I added a few of those to the pile.    And those center 3 inch blocks are what was left over from making the 9 patches. 

Do you have scraps? 
Use them up and join us each ScrapHappy Saturday and show off what you've done with them. 


  1. I had to look for the longest time for the mistake. Definitely NOT worth ripping out. What a cute block. So many happy green scraps put to good use.

  2. They're fine and dandy just the way they are!

  3. These looks great. You could try making a couple the "right way" and see if you like the combination.

  4. All your blocks are lovely. I really like to make the smaller blocks. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. I like your variation. Definitely more of a star look to it. What a nice collection of blocks you've got going.

  6. I couldn't see what you'd done wrong until I realised. It's not an error it's a design change. That's what I always say when things don't turn out as I expected xx

  7. You have a great bunch of blocks!

  8. I agree - just a design change and it looks great as is!

  9. I have a problem. I can't see what is wrong (supposedly).


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