
Monday, April 14, 2014

Addicted to BS

Yes, I'm addicted to BS...block swapping, that is. 

Over on the Block Swappers Yahoo group we have been swapping 3 inch 9 patches for years.  Last year I finished up a Sister's Choice quilt using them. 

This time around I've been tackling a Jack's Chain quilt using them.   
(Sheesh I have a lot of loose threads in my sewing room). 

The Y seams in this quilt are a challenge for me but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. 

We also swap 4 patches. 
A few years ago I made a Buckeye Beauty quilt using the 4 patches and HSTs. 

Now I've been working on an Arkansas Crossroads quilt. 

I'm using scrappy blues for the corners on the X blocks and scrappy whites/creams for the X themselves. 

And we swap HSTs. 

I assemble them into large Depression Blocks. 

Because I LOVE Depression Block Quilts.  
I made a Depression Block quilt using smaller HSTs that my youngest son confiscated. 

And as if that isn't enough to swap...well, we are swapping a second round of the dots and dashes shoo fly blocks that I just love.  I couldn't decide which fabric should go in which spot so mixed them up and tried both arrangements. 

This is going to be one happy quilt.  I think I'll make a BIG quilt to put on the bed in the winter when the blues are so difficult to shake.  How can you feel blue when you are snuggled under such happy blocks? 

And, if that's not enough...we are going to be swapping red, white and blue nine patches in civil war repro fabrics.    I've really been hoarding too many cw fabrics for too long so I'm glad someone suggests what I do with them. 

So, if you like swapping or are addicted to BS then join the Block Swappers Yahoo Group and sign up. All swaps are centralized so no need to fear you won't receive anything back. And, I've never been disappointed with anything swapped.  The 3 inch 9 patch, HST and 4P swaps take place several times a year. 

And since what I've mentioned today would be on my Design Wall if I had one I'm linking up to Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times where I always see something I want to try. 


  1. All of these blocks are so much fun! You must have a great variety after participating in all of the swaps. Wonderful!

  2. BS, that's what we call blood sugar!
    Love your blocks.


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