
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Still Blue

My plan is to make 3 Kaleidoscope blocks each month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC 2014).  Using scraps, one will be completely made of the color of the month, one will be made of the color of the month and it's color complement and one will be made of the color of the month plus color of the previous month. 

This is the one with the color of the month blue plus the complement of blue - orange. I took this apart and put it together three times and still the middle looks a little wonky but I'm tired of fiddling with it so that's how it will stay.   These are scraps, for Pete's sake! 

These are the three January blocks.   The corners are all made of crumbs.   I think the border of the finished quilt will be made of crumbs also. I hope it will look like all those little kaleidoscope pieces before they turn into a design. 

I've also made four more 9.5 inch wonky log cabins and sewn them together.   It will finish at 18 inches. 12 of these will make a nice sized lap quilt.   So, since this is my second one for the month it looks like I'll have two wonky log cabin quilts at the end of the year.   I might even have 3 because it appears I still have enough small strings in my blue string bag. 

Even though they are wonky I still like to start out the blocks with the traditional red center. 

Some of these scraps have been around a long time. That's planet fabric in the upper right leftover from curtains I made for my youngest son's bedroom.  He's 29 now and left the planet curtains behind long ago. 

I added some 3 inch butterflies to my pile. I started these late last year and think I only have brown and black/white ones.  

And I added some 3 inch spools to my collection which now makes 99 blue spools.    
And, finally, I have two 6.5 inch crumb blocks left over from making the kaleidoscope block. 

The Rainbow Scrap Challenge  Scrappy Happy Saturday linky party is going on now if you are interested in how to use up your blue scraps.  And, it's never to late to join in and tell us about your blue scraps. 


  1. Wow, you have been busy. Love your blocks.

  2. Love your Kaleidoscope blocks!idea Great about your colors, kind of controlled scrappy!

  3. Kaleidoscope is one of all time favourite patterns and I love yours! What a great idea you have had in making the three in these different colours schemes.

  4. So many beautiful scrappy blocks! I especially like the kaleidoscopes and the wonky log cabins.

  5. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful menagerie of blue! It is always so fun to remember where all the scraps come from. I love that you have fabric from curtains from so long ago.

  6. Wow, you have done a lot! I love the kaleidoscope blocks; they really are super scrappy, but you thought about your colour combinations. The wonky log cabins are great too. They're on my list of want-to-makes.

  7. OMG I can't keep up with you.
    You are so busy

  8. Wow - I love the Kaleidoscope blocks and that you are using crumbs for the corners. Why don't I get such good ideas!!!

  9. You have been busy!!! Love this weeks blocks just as much as last weeks!!!

  10. You have been busy!!! Love this weeks blocks just as much as last weeks!!!

  11. Beautiful Kaleidoscope blocks. You have lots of great blue blocks!

  12. Wow! I love your kaleidoscope blocks... Super scrappy and awesome!

  13. Lots and lots of pretty blue blocks.

  14. I like it all. I don't know which block is my favorite. It's all pretty. I like the log cabin blocks the most I think.

  15. Love the kaleidoscope blocks! So neat that you are using up those old fabrics. Sounds like you get a trip to refresh the fabric piles soon.


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