
Monday, January 6, 2014

For Izzy

I only have one row left to add to the Double Wedding Ring quilt I've been making for my granddaughter Isabelle (aka Izzy).

 Last year when her paternal grandmother died she told me I would live at least until her wedding. She's 9 so I hope she doesn't get married until she's 30 or so but that's out of my control.  I did decide then and there that  I would make a quilt for her wedding now while I'm healthy and have the means to buy fabric. And if I'm not physically in attendance at her wedding I will be there in the spirit of a quilt for her special day. 

I'm going to try my hand at hand quilting on her quilt since there is no hurry to get it completed. 

Also into Izzy's hope chest will go a quilt for her High School graduation.  I am trying my hand at some patchwork words of a proverb for this one.  Hopefully it will provide a little inspiration. 

Both quilts are at a stage where they are too big for a design wall.  But if you want to see some inspiration hanging out on some some design walls out there in blog land visit Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times. 


  1. What lovely ideas. I lost my parents early and this sort of thing would have brought much comfort. Good for you--your granddaughter is lucky to have you.

  2. This is so beautiful! I had to chuckle because my mom started sewing my wedding quilt when I was in high school which I thought was totaly strange. It is not my prettiest quilt, but if I had a fire its the only one I am taking with me.

  3. Your double row wedding quilt is beautiful -- I love all the pretty colors! :)

  4. Now that is s double wedding ring I love! Lucky granddaughter!

  5. Beautiful! It will be much loved and treasured. There will be many tears when you hand it to her on her wedding day!!


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