
Saturday, November 9, 2013

What Can Brown Do For You?



Finally! After two days with more hours asleep than awake and more liquids leaving the body than entering I was able to get up and sew a little this morning.  Thank goodness. I'm rarely sick but when I am it seems to hit hard.  Those darned grandkids must have left me a few cooties after their visit last weekend. 

Anyway...brown is the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color of the month.  I made some 3 inch butterfly and 3 inch spool blocks from my brown scraps.   It's the same block...just different color placement.  That about uses up my 1.5 inch scraps.  But I have lots of brown crumbs and brown 2.5 inch scraps that I need to get used up. That won't be next week because I'm going to be visiting my brother who leaves near Nashville.  His son, my nephew, and family will be returning home from Germany where he has been stationed for several years.  A lot of family will be there to welcome them home.  It's a 9 hour trip so I need to round up 18 hours worth of hand work and/or books to read. 

For some brown scrap inspiration visit Scrap Happy Saturday at SoScrappy.   You will definitely see some things that brown can do for you! 


  1. Just love those butterflies--! Did you use a pattern or no? they are so cute...hugs, Julierose

  2. Very nice butterfly and spool blocks. Your blocks make brown an awesome color. Have safe and wonderful trip.

  3. I never thought about it before that the butterfly and spools blocks are the exact same shapes! Both sets of blocks look great.

  4. Glad you are feeling better and over the norovirus. Your blocks are so sweet! I love the powder-puff blue that unifies those butterfly blocks so well, nice work!

  5. Such a great batch of fabrics and blocks! I know you are looking forward to putting them all together in amazing rainbow scrap quilt tops!


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