
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Slow Sunday Stitching and Stitching and Stitching

Today, as soon as I finish machine sewing the binding on this pile of 11 potholders I will hand sew it down in back.  Need to get these done so I can mail away my kitchen sets (potholder, embroidered dishtowel, crochet dishcloth) to some relatives for Christmas.  Some of the potholders are UFOs on which I practiced some free motion quilting stitching so might as well finish them up too. 

And after that is finished I will probably work on the embroidery on these hand stamped pillowcases. I think I found them quite a while ago at the thrift store and forgot I had them. My daughter collects "crinoline ladies" or "Southern Belles" so I thought I'd finish these up for her for Christmas. I stitched the lady's dress in blue on one and will stitch in pink on the other - kind of like a his and hers version. The best thing about the pillowcases is that they already have holes punched on the edge ready for some crocheted edging.  I just happen to have some white #10 crochet thread in my stash and a book on edgings I also picked up at a thrift store. 

And when all the Christmas sewing is done I'll get back to work on my Grandma's Butterflies. 

I worked on these 10 butterflies on my trip to and from Tennessee (20 hours)  last week for a mini family reunion to welcome back my nephew from overseas.  Applique and blanket stitch is finished. I just need to add the antennae and wing stitching and I think I will then be half way finished with butterfly blocks. If I remember correctly the quilt my grandma made had 48 butterflies. 

If you are doing any Slow Sunday Stitching why not celebrate at Kathy's Quilts Slow Sunday Stitching linky party.  There's some inspirational projects and eye candy for your viewing pleasure!


  1. the blue the row...I had some of that fabric when I made a retro-fabric dresden plate quilt! :)

    You have alot going on there! :)

  2. I love your butterfly's. They are very charming. Good luck with the Christmas gifts- wishing you many hours of restful hand work to get them done.

  3. Nice to see your butterflies on such a cold day. I love the idea of practicing machine quilting on potholders. Genius! Why don't I think of things like that. I used to crochet doilies and edgings and even did a tablecloth, don't think arthritis will allow that more. Hope you will post about them when you finish them. I love that vintage look.

  4. Great progress on your grandma's butterflies. What a treasure that quilt will be.

  5. Those butterflies will be gorgeous. I'm not sure that I could do appliqué in the car - it would require enough concentration that I fear that I might get too queasy. I can do ok with basting hexies because they're mindless enough that I can look up often enough to avoid any queasiness.

  6. So many wonderful projects - I think you will need to do some slow Sunday stitching very quickly!

  7. These pillowcases are so pretty! Thanks for linking up and sharing your projects!


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