
Friday, November 22, 2013

Nifty Thrifties

I have finally finished another UFO.  

We swapped these blocks with ladies of a Yahoo Group that no longer exists. We swapped blocks in a different color each month during 2009 after the block pattern came out in March 2009. 

The blocks have been sitting in a bin for years.  I have almost enough pink blocks for another quilt this size. 
No fancy quilting on this one. I just sewed on the diagonal through the black squares. I didn't notice while sewing the blocks together that a few of them have the black squares in the corner oriented the wrong way. I only noticed while quilting and left them that way.  I think the purpose of a quilt is to keep someone warm and pieces going the wrong direction won't change that. 

The backing fabric I wanted to use wasn't large enough so I used some swapped violet blocks. If  I use more of the violet blocks in another quilt then I won't have anything left in the violet block UFO bin and that's fine with me.  I swapped the violet blocks with ladies of the Block_swappers Yahoo group and the pattern is another one of Sophie's Block Lotto blocks. 

I think the violets go well with the background fabric. 

And it feels good to have another UFO finished! 

This was also my November goal for Lovely Year of Finishes. And it is indeed a Lovely Finish. 


  1. Love the front and the back! An Amazing Quilt!

  2. It's stunning! Kudos to whomever came up with the idea to swap this block in different colors. I love it.

  3. This is such a lovely scrappy quilt! i love it Hugs, Julierose

  4. I LOVE this scrappy rainbow quilt. The blocks go together so well. I think the turned four patches add character.

  5. Love the rainbow of colors. Just beautiful!

  6. This one jumped right off the page at me. So pretty! Great finish!

  7. It's beautiful, and isn't it a great feeling getting an old one done?? WTG!

  8. Very lovely! It has a very rich look to it that makes the scrappiness really shine. Great finish.:)

  9. its lovely, and I never noticed the black bits! I like the violet blocks on the back, they go perfectly

  10. Wow! I love this quilt! And, my goodness, wasn't the wind just a-blowin' as you were taking pictures. The back is almost as pretty as the front, too.

  11. Gorgeous..I really like the way you did the layout front and back!

  12. Both sides are wonderful! The black/white/bright blocks are indeed nifty! Thanks for sharing the blog post with Block Lotto. Now I've gotcha bookmarked.

  13. Wowza! What a fabulous quilt to have finished.

  14. Oh my, how I love this. I really really love this!!! Absolutely stunning.

  15. Well done on the big finish! You are absolutely right about the purpose of a quilt. Blocks going the wrong way don't affect it's warmth or cuddliness!

  16. I love this! The front and the back!

  17. Congratulations on a wonderful finish of turning a UFO into into a FO! The story behind the quilt is lovely,and if you had not pointed out the turned blocks,we would never have known :)

  18. That is a LOT of blocks! I bet it feels good to have this UFO done. Love the rainbow of colors.

  19. That looks great! I love the rainbow-ness of it.

  20. Lovely quilt, thanks for sharing.


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