
Saturday, October 26, 2013

What's Black and White and Red All Over?

The color of the month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is black and/or gray.  I finished another top using my black and white strings. 

And Heartstrings Quilt Project was running a black and white challenge during September and October. 

So, I used up almost all of my black and white strings in 3 quilt tops for donation to either Wrap-a-Smile or Quilts Beyond Borders when I get them finished.  Now I will have to start on some wonky log cabin blocks to use up the smaller pieces of strings that are left over. 

How can you not feel happy when there are polka dots around? 

To check out what others are doing with their black scraps this week visit the Rainbow Scrap Challenge linky party going on at SoScrappy. 


  1. WOW WOW WOW!!!
    Your quilts are beautiful

  2. I LOVE the photo of the three quilts on the line. WOW is right.

  3. Love love love these! Even my husband went "WOW" when I showed him.

  4. Wow! I love all three of these quilt tops, but the black and white & red all over is my favorite!

  5. Oh how beautiful. The red jumps out at ya...major wow factor.

  6. All three quilts look just fantastic!!

  7. Oh My! These are so nice, I'd find it hard to give them away, love the picture of all three on the clothesline.

  8. I love your string blocks. You have three beautiful quilts there!

  9. I agree with Sara. WOW WOW WOW!!!
    I love your string quilts.

  10. Wow! I loved the blue last time but that red is stunning! Great job.

  11. Wow, love the quilts. I really like the red poke a dot with the black and grey strings.


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