
Monday, September 2, 2013

Only 70 More To Go !

I've just finished 15 more 5.5 inch Sister's Choice blocks. I've completed 218 blocks but need a total of 288 to make an 80x90 quilt (if my math is right).  I've used WOW for the background and various blue fabrics for the star points.  I participate in a 3 inch 9 patch swap with some ladies in a Yahoo Group so I have the 70 9-patches I need to complete my goal.   Then I just have to figure out what to do with the 9 patches I receive in the next swap!

To see what other folks have on their Design Walls this fine day visit Judy's Patchwork Times.


  1. Your blocks look great - a perfect way to use the 9 patch swap blocks.

  2. I have a shoebox full of 3 inch 9 patch blocks, this looks like a good idea for them. What are your measurements for the rest of the components? The quilt is looking good!!

  3. What a lovely quilt you have coming there. I had never thought of using 9 patches that way, but it is perfect, and tied together nicely with all those blue star point. I like to work on those big number scale, small block quilts, too! I love the scrappy look of them. Yours is fabulous.

  4. And these are looking good. I see you are using a variety of white on white prints. I love to do that. Gives more texture to the project. (Plus you don't have to worry about running out.)

  5. love it!! It has everything that I love stars, blue and white. Great job!

  6. Your quilt is going to be terrific. The blocks are great.

  7. Love your blocks... the scrappy WoW prints make them look so fresh. I must try these one day.


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