
Saturday, July 27, 2013


The Rainbow Scrap Challenge color for July has been teal, blue-green, aqua, turquoise. The only scraps I have left of that color are some 2.5 inch strips left over from various projects. So, this morning I made some 9 patch blocks from those scraps and combined them with some miscellaneous 6.5 inch squares that I've received in various swaps that seem "boyish".  I ended up with 4 - 12 inch blocks that I will probably send in to the August lottery for Sunshine Online Quilt Guild.  The August theme is "Boys". The way the lottery works is  - for every 2 blocks sent in one goes to the lottery and the other goes to Tammy who runs the lottery and makes quilts for Wrap a Smile and Quilts Beyond Borders from all the "second  entry" lottery blocks.  

To see what others are doing with their teal, etc scraps visit Scrap Happy Saturday at the SoScrappy blog. 

And speaking of lotteries...I joined up with Block Lotto and made some 6x9 I Spy Houses which is this month's lottery block.  I think these houses would make a fun quilt for some grandkids who love story telling. Oh, the tales they could tell about some of the people in this neighborhood! 


  1. These teal blocks are great for a boys quilt...very fun!

  2. Lovely fabrics. As Quilter Kathy says great fun!

  3. That's a really smart way to make the most of your teal scraps! I also love those cute houses.

  4. Those are great -- so cheerful! Thanks for the info about the Sunshine lottery; I hadn't heard of it before.


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