
Friday, May 10, 2013

Izzy's Wedding Quilt Update - 98 Arches Finished and Moving on to Next Step!

I've finished all 98 arches I need for the double wedding ring quilt I'm making for my granddaughter, Isabelle.  I'm not in any hurry. She's only 8. After a car accident (no injuries but lots of car damage caused by some other driver running a red light) a few months ago she told me I was going to live long enough to go to her wedding. And she's mentioned that several times since.   So, if I can't be there physically then I will be there in spirit with a quilt as a gift for her.  

My next step will be to connect the arches with a center of this yellow floral fabric that I'm afraid to cut into since it cost so much. 

I also need to make some 4 patches for the ends of the arches. I may do that first.  

So, with this Friday finish I'll link up to Crazy Mom Quilts and also check out what everyone else has finished this week. 
And, hey, can I get a Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict?   I'll also see who else gets a Whoop Whoop. 


  1. Those arches are really pretty--wow--98!! Good for you!! Have a great weekend...Julierose

  2. That is lovely and will be a wonderful gift on her special day in years to come. I have a quilt my grandmother made me and gave as a wedding gift and it is cherished.

  3. I really like your wedding rings. I look forward to this quilt's progression. :) It will make a treasured gift.

  4. That's a lota arches! You deserve more fabric ;-)

  5. You are very clever. Keep up the good work!

  6. Cathy, that's going to be just gorgeous! And hopefully you WILL be there to give it to your granddaughter in person! But I had to laugh - I've had the same thought! Whoop whoop!

  7. You're doing great! Very inspirational to me as I'm doing a similar quilt and only have 3 sets of arches done.:)


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