
Sunday, December 2, 2012

I Said I Had a Lot of Scrap...Not a Lot of Crap

My family is starting to think I'm a hoarder because of all the boxes in my sewing room. Several of them are filled with scraps. I can't bear to part with even a smidgen of fabric so even have a big box of mulch scraps ready for the spring garden. I told myself I would skip Bonnie Hunter's Mystery this year and try to reduce my boxes of scraps and prove to the family I'm not a hoarder. I'm going to see how many donation quilts I can make. Won't they be surprised!

I made a few more scrappy hearts with my 2.5 inch scraps. (All of the white was not from the scrap box but it has been around a while).

I've been working on a postage stamp quilt for quite a while with 2.5 inch squares. This one will be for me. I'm trying not to repeat fabric in any squares.  Repeats go into the hearts above. I made 4 more blocks. 

 I set aside longer strips for Heartstring quilts and used the shorter strips for some wonky log cabins which will be another donation quilt.
And, finally, I worked on some more wonky stars with crumb centers for another donation quilt.

And that's it for my Scrappy Saturday. (I haven't gotten rid of any boxes yet )

I'm linking up to Design Wall Monday at Patchwork Times. Go look at all the other Design Walls!
And, today is Tuesday so I'm linking up to Linky Party Tuesday at Freemotion by the River.  Party on.


  1. I love the different little blocks that you making with your scraps. That gives me some ideas to use with mine.

  2. The heart blocks are my favorite. ;) You are busy like usual!

  3. Well I know for certain that both fabric and lace procreate during the night while I'm sleeping. The faster I use or give it away, the faster it multiplies... Gerry

  4. I love all the blocks you have made. I adore scrap quilts and I, too have bags of scraps all over my house. Isn't it fun!!

  5. When scraps make beautiful blocks like these they are truly a good thing!

  6. Wow, do you do beautiful work!

  7. With all the beauty and joy that you are creating, you are NOT a hoarder, but a passionate quilter! Keep up the good work.

  8. Hehe :D We recently moved cross-country, While packing, my hubby saw a large tub filled with scraps and picked it up saying, "Oh, I'll take this out for you" (he was tidying the detritous of packing). I know you can understand completely the "NO, THAT'S NOT TRASH!!" that exploded out of me without a though. lol

    What marvelous blocks you've made. Now I know exactly why I've kept any remotely usable piece!

  9. I love scrappy quilts. Your blocks are so colorful and pretty!

  10. WOW~ your projects are gorgeous!
    I came here by way of Jill's blog (simple frugal quilts) and really enjoyed my visit here today!

  11. What fun blocks and I think many of us have a hard time getting rid of scraps, yThanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesdayou're going to have some great quilts from these!

  12. I am working on a postage stamp quilt also..would you like to swap some squares after the holidays for a couple of blocks...let me know, it takes 49 squares for one block...


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