
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday's Crazy WISPs

I've been working so much overtime I haven't made much progress on my Midnight Fantasy Garden blocks that will someday be a glow-in-the-dark wallhanging. I found some variegated rayon thread on sale at Hobby Lobby so picked it up and decided to try it on the leaves under the fairy. I couched down three rows of the thread all around on the leaves. On the two smaller leaves the brown part of the thread blends into the black and the couching stitches are more prominent than the thread itself.  But that's okay by me. I also found some variegated boucle yarn in the sale bin at Hobby Lobby so picked that up too and couched it all around under the leaves. I think it looks kind of like moss. I'm going to add a few tiny flowers on top of the moss.

 And, what is this, you ask? My cordonnets, I say.  These are some day going to be needlelace mushrooms I will add to my wallhanging. I finally got up the nerve to start on this. I read several books and some said to make a pad of layers of muslin with the outline either painted or drawn on the top layer of fabric. Other books said to make a pad of layers of muslin, then baste on traced paper design and then add a layer of architect linen (no idea what that is or where to find it) or Press and Seal. The books didn't exactly call the film by brand name but that's what I used. I was wondering which method to use and decided on the latter method mainly because I'm cheap and I decided if I used that method I could reuse the muslin again because it wouldn't have had a pattern traced on it.  Now I'm in the process of couching down the outlines in #80 thread. (I'm using Lizbeth 80).  The only thing I think I would change next time (if there is a next time) is to use tracing paper instead of printer paper for my pattern. It is rather difficult to use a fine needle to couch and pierce a layer of film and printer paper.

And finally, here is the start of my September CQJP 2012 block for my Crazy Basket Case lap quilt - a sewing basket.

And, if you are interested in other WISPS check the comments at Pintangle's WISP Wednesday. 

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