
Sunday, August 19, 2012

No, I'm Not Going to Let the Cat Out of the Bag...

 But I will let some other things out of the bag...
I'm going to make some reversible shopping bags for several people for Christmas. This one is for my dad and step mom. Dad loves all things Irish; hence the shamrock fabric and the madras plaid was on the 1/2 off table at the fabric store. I'm also going to use the bags as "wrapping" for Christmas gifts.
  So far, inside their bag is a crocheted dishcloth (dish rag?), dish towel I embroidered with a 50s motif and a hotpad (so easy to make) that also reminds me of the 50s.
And while I was in crochet mode I crocheted up a couple more dish cloths to add to the Christmas gift box. Now I just need to embroider a dishtowel to go with and make one of those easy, peasy hotpads and make a couple more shopping bags and I've got a few more people crossed off my Christmas list.

I've been so tired lately with working the overtime (which I hope ends at the end of Aug) that I welcome the mindless and quick work involved with the crochet.

I'm linking up to Connie's Freemotion Quilting by the River Tuesday linky party. 


  1. Lovely gifties. Lucky family to receive such thoughtful gifts. Hmmm, just how does one go about getting on your Friends/Family List?! lol
    The potholders are a snap?? Maybe a quickie tute sometime??

  2. These are awesome gifts! I wish I was in your family :) Love the entire set for your Dad and Step Mom and I'm sure they will too.

  3. Wonderful gifts and I love your crocheted dish cloths! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion at the River Linky Party Tuesday


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