
Sunday, February 12, 2012


I'm stressed. Very stressed. And when I'm stressed I like to escape and sew (or garden in another season). I can hardly walk around in my sewing room. I have too many boxes of scraps left from other projects. I was also looking for some quilty charity projects and remembered Heartstrings.  There is a new challenge project going on there and I can use any color of my choice for the centers. I dug through the scrappy string boxes and found a lot of fall colors and I also found a large piece of rust colored fabric I purchased quite some time ago at the thrift store for $1.65 which is perfect for the centers.  I need 48 9.5 inch blocks for an adult sized quilt and so far I have 11 w/o cutting any fabric except for the centers (and the muslin base). I need to get more muslin. 

After that I think I have enough turquoise strings and novelty fabrics to make blocks for a cute kid's quilt. Only 24 blocks needed for that. 

And, then, I will start on a red, white and blue one. I saved a lot of blues and neutrals aside for that one. I'll be cutting reds for another project of mine I saw in a magazine and so will probably have scraps left from that. 

And now I feel a little less stressed. Just a little. 


  1. красиво, радужно!
    я очень люблю эту технику , правда обычно шью прямо по бумаге используя листы какого старого телефонного справочника.

  2. I have a bag of strips, foundations, and probably some partial blocks done for Heartstrings. Glad I saw your post so maybe I'll work on mine soon. I landed on your blog after searching postage stamp quilts. You have a great one in an earlier post with stars in the border. I would become your follower but don't see how?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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