
Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Rest of the Stories...

Remember this post about the quilts I made for children in Turkey - victims of an earthquake sleeping in tents in winter conditions?

Well, I received this beautiful handmade brooch in the mail a few days ago from Rengin, the lady to whom I sent the quilts. It consists of oyas, a traditional needlelace of Turkey. I was expecting nothing in return for those quilts, but this was a pleasant surprise, absolutely gorgeous, and will definitely be treasured by me. (I've got it in a box with the stamp from the envelope, the card that came with it and an explanation of how I came to be in possession of such a lovely item. In case anything happens to me then my kids will know.)  In case you are interested in oyas Rengin sells them in her etsy shop.

And remember this post where I was wondering what the winner of my AAQ quilt was going to do with it? I had a surprising phone call yesterday from Judy K who is now in possession of said quilt. She found me on and wanted to know if I had anything on the quilt that began with "q", told me she was 70 and a quilter and was not going to use my quilt as a dust rag - she had it hanging on her sewing room wall. How fun is that? I'm about ready to email her to see if she belongs to any online groups, if she has a blog and that I thought somewhere on the quilt there was a little porcupine with quills.

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