
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sweating and Small Stuff But Not Sweating the Small Stuff !

It's been very hot here in Iowa. I don't have air-conditioning but I do have a little country air. Today I sat in front of the fan and finished a few small items. Above is the front of a card holder. It's a "Fun Friday Toot" challenge over on the Stitchmap Yahoo Group.

I went through my first scrap box looking for the right sized scraps to use and happened upon these scraps left over from when I made placemats for my dad and stepmom. I used two different fabrics inside so at a glance I know which pocket a card is in. One side for credit/debit cards and the other for other stuff. I had to ask my granddaughter for a green hair band for the closure. I was going to also whip up a few Christmasy card holders but my GD said I could only have ONE hair band. I guess I will have to buy more for my next card holders.

Also from the scrap scraps for a hotpad (or is it a potholder?) for a swap over on Mailblocks Yahoo Group. This is the front using 2.5 inch blue scraps...

...and this is the back. I don't even remember buying this fabric but there it is.

I also crocheted up another dishcloth for a stocking stuffer or maybe for a set including embroidered flour sack dishtowel, potholder in a market bag.

And finally...these are my July lottery blocks - Double Wrench. I won May's lottery so was ineligible to win June's lottery but maybe I will win in July. At any rate...lottery blocks are a great way to use up more scraps. If I lose the drawing I send them off to the winner and if I win the drawing everyone sends their blocks to me and I make a quilt top that turns into another WIP. 

Now...back to sweating..and a little embroidery before bed.

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  1. This is a test comment since several people have told me they have been unable to comment!


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