
Friday, March 18, 2011

Luscious Lace

This is my work for a "Luscious Lace" RR at Crazy Quilting International. I added different pieces of lace from my lace bin - laces acquired from thrift shop purchases. I have some lace motifs I want to add to blocks in this RR but I haven't worked up the courage to dye any yet. I'm afraid I will ruin the pieces.

Here's another shot. Maybe the contrast is a little better on this one. I hope Arlene likes it.

And here is a close up of meandering chain stitch done with one strand of gold sulky thread. My stitches aren't even, I know. I can hardly see one strand of thread. But I tried. This is "Build A Seam" (BAS) stitch 65 over on CQI (Crazy Quilting International Yahoo Group).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cathy, this is a beautiful block!

    I miss being in RRs with you, but will be back when I can get caught up with all the boring stuff I must do here at home.



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