
Saturday, May 9, 2009

I Have Learned to Tat!

For some strange reason I was bound and determined to learn how to tat. I taught myself to do most everything else I have been bound and determined to learn so I went off and bought the book Learn to Tat by Janette Baker and a few shuttles because I was too afraid to use the ones my husband inherited from his grandmother.

Class 3 I made a couple of small butterflies then ventured off to the web to find a few different patterns.

I've finished up the lessons in the book and will be starting on Celtic Tatting by Rozella F Linden.

I'm so excited!

And for fun I crocheted some little baskets to use on crazy quilts. I'm trying to keep my stiff and sometimes numb fingers working.


  1. Several years ago I went to visit an old house in Dedham( turned into a museum). the guide pulled out a drawer filled with the most amazing pieces of tatting.

  2. Cathy, Good for you! I inherited a few pillowcases from my grandmother (whom I never met) with tatted edges. It looks so complex - I figured I could never do it. And had no idea who would teach me. And YOU learned from a book. I'll have to give it a try! Thanks for the encouragement!


  3. Cathy I love the little baskets. Where did you get the pattern from or did you make it up? These would be good on cq's


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