
Sunday, December 8, 2024

Roses In December

"God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December." - J.M. Barrie

Roses in December
60 x 80
It's a flimsy! 

The theme in my sewing space this month is supposed to be "Roses and Baskets"; however, I've kind of gotten side tracked trying to reduce scraps and orphan blocks and novelty fabrics for kiddo comfort quilts.   It's all good - themed or not! 

I love rose themed fabrics and I have quite a few of them. For this one I decided to use rose prints with green and with red backgrounds (Christmas roses, you know).  I don't have many left with red backgrounds so I used a few other red prints.  I wish I hadn't used any prints with light green backgrounds but so it goes. 

I used the Wonky Rails pattern by Mary of Mary Quilts and Heartstrings Quilt Project except I made 10 inch finished blocks and cut my pieces 11 x 14 and trimmed to 10.5 inch square. I think 11 x 13.5 would have been a large enough rectangle but since this is my first time making this stack and whack Wonky Rail I thought I would leave a little wiggle room. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Dec. 4 - I saved $1.32 per gallon of gas with my HyVee (grocery store) fuel saver card. Most of those points were earned by shopping on Mondays. It also depended upon the Iowa Hawkeyes score. So for instance if the Hawkeyes scored 40 points and I spent $40 at HyVee on Monday following the game I could accumulate fuel savings of 40 cents per gallon.  I don't really go anywhere so don't use much gas but the fuel savings do expire so I get gas before a large amount might expire. 40 cents of that $1.32 was going to expire at the end of day so it was time to fuel up!

Dec. 5 - Technical manuals that make sense. We got up early to go in to have our lab work drawn  at 7:15 before our wellness exams on the 11th.   The house was freezing.  Looked like it was 56 degrees and it seemed like the furnace was not working. I figured I would worry about it after we got back from the lab. The furnace is not that old (maybe four years?).    When we returned home -- sure enough...the furnace was not working. I looked at the manual and there was a checklist in there that gave things to check before making a service call. The first thing on the list was to check the thermostat. Sure enough...batteries were dead.  I replaced the batteries and about five minutes later the furnace kicked on. Whew! 

Dec. 6 - Finished a book! - To The Bone by Jeff Carson. It is mystery thriller -- #7 in the David Wolf series. Who stole the dinosaur bones and who is the murderer or murderers? I know all the characters pretty well now, know that David Wolf can solve any mystery, and am ready to move on to book #8.

Dec. 7 - Kayla's birthday! My granddaughter would have been 20 years old today if she had not passed away unexpectedly of "probable cardiac arrhythmia" at the age of 17. 



  1. Ah, yes: "is it plugged in?" to be followed by "check the batteries." Glad you solved the problem! (For us last week it was plumbing.) When I think "roses in December" and quilts I think of you -- and your new quilt is proof! Lovely assortment of prints.

  2. Loving the reds!!!!!!! I really think you must sew 24/7!!!!!!! Sending hugs To you!!! I know you miss Kayla terribly. She will always be right there with you. ❤

  3. I remember when you first spoke about your Granddaughter - I'd not been following you for long but I felt your pain - sending you ((hugs)) from across the pond x Love your red roses flimsy.

  4. What a fun quilt!! And a great Barrie quote to go with it! Scary feeling having a heater break in winter in cold climates. So very glad it was just batteries😅

  5. Love the colors on this quilt. The red is just fantastic. And so sorry again about your granddaughter. I know you will always have a hole in your heart from her loss.


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