
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Thimbles or Calluses? What to Use on Slow Stitching Sunday

Last week I had finished hand quilting the 9 patch part of a 9 Patch/Snowball Queen-sized quilt and was ready to start on the design in the snowballs.   But, since I still need practice on keeping stitches even and small I switched gears and started hand quilting in the ditch on another UFO - my Grandma's Sewing Room quilt. 

 I've found that I really like to use the plexiglass frame better than large wooden hoops I've tried in the past.
 I'm currently stitching in the ditch around the spools and jars with red Gutermann hand quilting thread. When I have finished that I will use DMC perle #8 red thread to stitch "thread" around and between spools. (At least that's what I have pictured in my mind is going to happen).  
It drives me nuts when I see a place where the points don't match evenly...but they are staying that way. I still need work keeping stitches even and small. Practice, practice, practice.

I'm still trying to get used to wearing a thimble so alternate between using a thimble and using a callus I've built up on my middle finger.  Reason for a thimble: it hurts when a needle pierces a callus but I don't feel a thing when I'm using a thimble. Reason for not wearing a thimble: it falls off, it's not comfortable, I don't use my fingers properly when stitching.   Again, practice, practice, practice! 

To see what other slow stitching is going on in blog land visit Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching linky party.   


  1. Enjoy your practice. I say use the thimble and spare yourself the pain.

  2. I agree about seams, but piecing perfection is not one of my talents. I find the right thiimble makes all the difference. Finding that right one is not easy. I have heard good things about roxanne thimbles but they are very expensive, but I think clover just came out with one that is similiar. I use a needle art guild thimble and love it. Hope you find one that works well for you, and I agree practice with thimble and one that fits correctly and you will love it.

  3. What a great post to read!
    Love your spool quilt, with the jars sprinkled around...such a creative idea!
    I always use a thimble on my right hand, but my "under the quilt" fingers get pretty sore.
    Practice is the only way...
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  4. Very much enjoyed this post. I have not tried hand stitching myself but saw some "jelly" thimbles at a LQS. They were in bright colors and looked soft, rubbery. Maybe you could try a thimble like that?
    Love the quilt with black and bright blocks!

  5. I have a collection of different thimbles that I use. Mostly I like the metal ones that I have painted inside with nail polish. I do this because something in me strips the silver off the thimbles. Also for those sore fingers...get some "bag balm". It is a gooey, smelly ointment that farmers use on their cow's udders. It is amazing stuff.

  6. Happy quilting.I use too differents thimbels and put one in my left hand too.I have the that metal thimble.

  7. I've not tried hand quilting, so take a bow for keeping at it and learning it. Love the quilt. It's a so fun and bright (my two absolute favorites in a quilt!).

  8. Great work. I haven't tried hand quilting either. You inspire me!
    Have a wonderful week,

  9. Great job and I love your current quilt. Very creative to have those jars sprinkled in. Really neat. I am just starting hand quilting too - practice is the key. I have yet to try a thimble though. I really should start before my next project.


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